1. 東方桃源宮 ~ Riverbed Soul Saver [ Touhou Fangame] - Shmups Forum
Missing: Tougenkyuu: console
Lord Satori wrote:Trilogy? TD and DDC had very little to do with each other storywise. If anything, TD was the end of the chain of events that began with MoF, because if it weren't for the events of those games, Byakuren would never have landed the temple over the area where Miko was sealed/sleeping (forgot which), prompting her awakening in TD. DDC was entirely Seija Kijin's fault, as she started a rebellion in an attempt to invert the social structure of society. She has no connections to anyone in TD.
2. Touhou Tougenkyuu - Riverbed Soul Saver - Moriya Shrine
Missing: pc console
Release Information Type: Vertical Bullet Hell Shooter Developer: ido, Len Publisher: ido, Len Release: 2015 Language: Japanese Default Controls Arrow Keys: Movement Z: Fire / Select X: Bomb Shift: Focus Movement Esc: Pause Ctrl: Fast Forward Playable Characters: Reimu, Marisa and Futo. Descripti...
3. 'Touhou Project & Fangames' a list of games by ouroborostxt ...
Official games, fangames and games that contain Touhou characters. (Comment if there's any game currently available in the database that's missing from this ...
Official games fangames and games that contain Touhou characters Comment if theres any game currently available in the database thats missing from this list
4. Riverbed Soul Saver (Video Game) - TV Tropes
Missing: pc console
Touhou Tougenkyuunote Shangri-La Palace ~ Riverbed Soul Saver is a Touhou Project fangame whose script was written by Ido and Len. The first demo version was released on March 24, 2014, and the second demo on April 25, 2014, adding Marisa as …
5. The Touhou Project Community Thread | Immaterial and Missing Posts
Oct 25, 2017 · I've tried some other games like Riverbed Soul Saver and Marine Benefit, mostly to test the English patches. Marine Benefit's English patch ...
Clarste posted early descriptions of the new characters here. IMO the new stage 1 boss is kinda boring (another cat youkai? Yawn) but the other bosses are cool. I'm especially impressed with the stage 3 character's patterns (saying that as someone who just started messing around with LuaSTG...
6. Touhou Tougenkyuu: Riverbed Soul Saver - Game Pass Compare
Touhou Tougenkyuu: Riverbed Soul Saver info and availability on Xbox Game Pass for PC ... More Games. Similar Games You May Like. Touhou Mahoujou: Book of ...
Touhou Tougenkyuu: Riverbed Soul Saver info and availability on Xbox Game Pass for PC and Xbox, EA Play for PC and Xbox, EA Play Pro, Playstation Plus (PS Plus), Humble Choice, Humble Bundle, Amazon Prime Gaming, Ubisoft Plus, and Epic Games Store Free Games
7. Touhou xià yèjì: Shining Shooting Star - Story - Karte.Guru
More videos. Your browser can't play this video. Learn more ... Platform: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One ... Touhou Tougenkyuu: Riverbed Soul Saver.
Touhou xià yèjì: Shining Shooting Star
8. Touhou Danmuki: Spellbroken Dream Festival - Game Pass Compare
More Games ; Touhou Mahoujou: Book of Star Mythology cover art. Touhou Mahoujou: Book of Star Mythology ; Touhou Tougenkyuu: Riverbed Soul Saver cover art. Touhou ...
Touhou Danmuki: Spellbroken Dream Festival info and availability on Xbox Game Pass for PC and Xbox, EA Play for PC and Xbox, EA Play Pro, Playstation Plus (PS Plus), Humble Choice, Humble Bundle, Amazon Prime Gaming, Ubisoft Plus, and Epic Games Store Free Games