Can a 9-month-old child eat rice? (2024)

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The article was professionally consulted by Resident Doctor Ho Thi Hong Tho - Neonatologist - Pediatrics - Neonatology Department, Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital
From time immemorial, rice has been considered a popular cereal choice as the first weaning food for young children. However, making rice into rice requires a suitable way to become a healthy solid food for babies. So when should a baby eat crushed rice, can a 9-month-old child eat rice, how cooked rice is safe for children... are the things that parents often wonder about.

1. When can baby eat rice?

Before parents want to introduce any solid food to their baby, including mashed cooked rice, the baby needs to meet certain criteria. Accordingly, a baby who is ready to receive solid foods will have the following minimum abilities:
Able to sit upright without support. There is a reflex to stick out the tongue to bring food into the mouth. Know how to reach for food and put it in the mouth. Be ready to chew food before swallowing. In general, characteristics such as the above will be achieved by about 6 months of age for most normal infants. However, when to give your baby crushed rice depends on each child. For babies born prematurely, born with low birth weight or with congenital diseases, when to give rice to children should be delayed more.
Because breast milk or formula is the only nutrition a baby needs until 6 months, but it will no longer provide all the essential nutrients a baby needs like solid foods . However, before starting to try rice, from 4-6 months of age, parents should start giving babies soft solid foods such as cereals, oatmeal, barley and specialized purees. feed babies. These cereals are mixed with baby formula or breast milk to create the perfect consistency. Manufacturers often add vitamins and minerals needed for a child's growth and development. What's more, these starters will help your baby learn to eat and help him adapt to new flavors and textures, helping his digestive system prepare for a more varied diet.

Can a 9-month-old child eat rice? (1)

2. Can a 9-month-old child eat rice?

After 6 months of age, in addition to breast milk or formula, babies need iron-rich food sources, because their iron stores from birth need to be replenished.
This is especially the case if the baby has the umbilical cord clamped immediately at birth. An estimated one-third of a baby's blood is in the placenta. Cutting the umbilical cord too soon means that this blood (and its stores of iron) cannot be received by the baby. Therefore, the time to start weaning for children can be considered earlier.
So, if a 9-month-old baby can eat rice, the answer is yes, but it requires appropriate processing such as pureed soup or porridge. However, if possible, try other nutritious foods first, those specifically made for babies just starting to eat solids.

3. The first nutritious foods that need to be included in the weaning diet

The important nutrients that should be included in the weaning diet that babies should have early access to are natural sources of iron and zinc, which are both essential for the body's very fast growth rate and easy to absorb. Protein from animals, such as meat, fish, and eggs, will play a certain role in this need, instead of simply thinking about giving children rice and rice. In addition, milk, including breast milk or formula, will continue to be the primary food source until the baby is 12 months old.
Besides, avocado or salmon are foods that should be used to prepare baby meals. These are great foods because they are packed with nutrients as well as healthy fats for brain development.
In addition, vegetables or fruits rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber are also necessary for young children when properly prepared into bite-sized pieces. This will make the baby's self-directed weaning experience more enjoyable and exciting.

Can a 9-month-old child eat rice? (2)

4. Risk of choking rice in young children

As a parent, introducing new foods to your baby's solids can be stressful. Especially when hearing so many stories of young children choking or choking on foreign bodies because of food.
Accordingly, as long as the baby is about 6 months old and has the characteristics of developing ready for solid foods, rice still does not pose a greater risk than other solid foods. However, to do so, the way to prepare rice for children must be according to each level, depending on the child's receptive ability. When just starting to learn to eat, parents can give their 9-month-old baby porridge from rice. Next, baby rice can simply be cooked soft, mashed with a spoon for the child to pick up, and then can experience the whole grain rice sticking to their fingers - this is also a form of self-directed weaning. Huy.
In addition, parents also need to remember to always be with their children at all times during the child's meal. Moreover, parents also need to recognize early when children have trouble and calmly perform first aid skills when children choke on foreign objects.

5. Is white rice good for children?

White rice is a very popular food around the world but is it really good for children?
White rice is not really a healthy option for children (or adults) because it contains very little nutrition and is high in starch, not to mention arsenic. There are many other foods that can replace white rice that will provide nutrition and help your baby grow well without spikes in blood sugar.
Since babies just transitioning to solid foods are still drinking mostly milk and eating very little in a solid food fashion, it's important to consider their choices of solid foods. As mentioned, foods rich in iron and zinc are key. They are more important for brain development and red blood cell production as well as for many bodily functions than for babies to eat solid rice.
In short, rice is a staple food of many ethnic groups, including the Vietnamese. However, when it comes to making the best decisions about your child's health and nutrition, the above things need to be kept in mind when making rice into a meal for your child. Moreover, children also need to diversify their food choices, both to help their digestive system have interesting experiences and to ensure adequate nutrition for children at each stage of development.
In addition to a reasonable diet, your baby should also be supplemented with necessary micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, Vitamins B1 and B6, Ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), ... to improve taste, eat well, reach the correct height and weight, and have a good immune system, strengthen the resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems.
The improvement of symptoms can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods.
To have more knowledge about taking care of children by age, you should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, Pediatricians - Nutritionists when you need advice.

Can a 9-month-old child eat rice? (2024)


Can a 9-month-old child eat rice? ›

From around 6 months, after your baby has had their first tastes, rice is perfectly fine to offer to little ones. It's a great source of carbohydrates, which provide the energy that babies need to grow and develop as well as contributing to their protein, calcium and B-vitamin intakes.

How much rice can 9 month old eat? ›

Grain Portion Size for Babies

Babies need two servings of grains a day. One baby-sized grains serving equals: 1 to 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, barley, or multigrain cereal. 1 to 2 tablespoons of pureed pasta, rice, or quinoa.

Can I give baby rice at 9 months? ›

waiting until around 6 months gives your baby time to develop so they can cope fully with solid foods – this includes solid foods made into purées, cereals and baby rice added to milk.

Is rice a choking hazard for 9 month old? ›

6-9 months

Rice is not a common choking hazard, but can be hard for babies new to solids to move with ease around the mouth. Fork mashing can assist with this and mixing with a little liquid like breastmilk, formula or a puree.

Can a baby have too much rice? ›

Rice is ok in small amounts, but probably not more than 1 serving a day of infant rice cereal and less than one serving a week of rice drinks, hot rice cereal, rice pasta, or rice cakes. This is especially important for our patients with celiac disease.

Is it OK for babies to eat rice everyday? ›

From around 6 months, after your baby has had their first tastes, rice is perfectly fine to offer to little ones. It's a great source of carbohydrates, which provide the energy that babies need to grow and develop as well as contributing to their protein, calcium and B-vitamin intakes.

Can you give a baby too much baby rice? ›

Rice cereal isn't necessarily bad for babies, but it can contain higher levels of arsenic, which can be dangerous if your baby eats too much.

Can my 9 month old eat anything? ›

Preparing some food ahead of time and making your own meal baby-friendly will help save time and the stress of putting together more than one meal. While 9-month-olds can eat most of the foods you eat, some foods should be avoided, including honey, salt, added sugars, and undercooked or unpasteurized foods.

What to mix with baby rice? ›

If you do choose to start your weaning journey with baby rice or porridge, a great way to use it up and still build in plenty of variety, is to mix baby rice together with other foods e.g. blending or mashing it with some cooked veggies (or fruits) to introduce new flavours to your baby early on.

When can babies eat rice not pureed? ›

Because from about six months of age on, babies can already eat most of the same foods as adults, including regular rice. Always remember, though, rice is a solid food, and never add rice or anything other than breast milk, formula, or water to a baby's bottle.

Which rice is best for babies? ›

Whether in the form of cereal, soup, balls, or plain grains, brown rice will add fiber, protein, and micronutrients to your child's diet. Help them develop a taste for whole grains by serving brown rather than white rice as often as possible.

What foods can babies not eat? ›

Foods to avoid giving babies and young children
  • Salt. Babies should not eat much salt, as it's not good for their kidneys. ...
  • Sugar. Your baby does not need sugar. ...
  • Saturated fat. ...
  • Honey. ...
  • Whole nuts and peanuts. ...
  • Some cheeses. ...
  • Raw and lightly cooked eggs. ...
  • Rice drinks.

What are the side effects of rice for babies? ›

Note that rice and, particularly, processed rice products like infant rice cereal can contain varying amounts of arsenic, a heavy metal the grain soaks up from polluted environments that can cause negative neurodevelopmental effects when consumed in great excess.

What is the side effect of eating too much rice? ›

You also feel hungry very often after having rice and this leads to overeating. Rice contains a high quantity of starch and if you consume it in excess it may increase Diabetes. Due to the high starch content, rice increases sugar level in the body and hence it's advisable for diabetic individuals not to consume it.

How much rice is too bad? ›

There is no exact amount of rice that is considered too much, as servings can vary from person to person. The American Heart Association recommends that adults consume six servings of grains per day, which can include rice. It's also a good idea to make sure that at least half of the grains you eat are whole grains.

What Portion Size for a 9 month old? ›

The AAP sample menu for a baby 8 to 12 months features a lunch consisting of: 4 to 8 tablespoons (1/4 to 1/2 cup) unsweetened plain whole-milk yogurt or cottage cheese, or minced meat. 4 to 8 tablespoons (1/4 to 1/2 cup) diced or mashed yellow or orange vegetable.

How much food can 9 month old eat? ›

Feeding Guide for 9 to 12 Months
Item9 Months
Breastfeeding or Formula3 to 5 feedings per day or 30 to 32 ounces per day
Dry Infant Cereal with Iron5 to 8tbs. any variety mixed with formula
Fruits2 to 4 tbs., strained or soft mashed/2 times per day
Vegetables2 to 4 tbs., mashed, soft, bite-sized pieces/2 times per day
5 more rows

How many cups of rice to feed 9? ›

How much uncooked rice to use for main dishes
ServingsUncooked CupsWeight (oz)
94 1/21 lbs 13 oz
1052 lbs
20104 lbs
502510 lbs
9 more rows
Mar 20, 2023

Can 9 month old eat too much solids? ›

The short answer is: yes, if you ignore his cues and are not offering the right foods. Here's some advice on how to prevent overfeeding your baby: Look out for cues and stop feeding your baby when he is full. Feed your baby solids on schedule, not on demand.


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