10 spring decor ideas to give your home a quick and easy seasonal makeover (2024)

Ah finally, it feels like the days are getting ever so slightly longer and there is an (ever so faint) sense of spring in the air. So to encourage the brighter and lighter months we've pulled together all our favorite spring decor ideas that are super easy to implement and get your home ready for the change in season.

'Spring is here! When spring hits, it’s such a welcomed change both seasonally and aesthetically. I love to brighten up my home in several ways. First, switch out layered items like pillows and throws. A light linen throw is the perfect way to refresh your space.' says designer Marie Flanigan. 'I also love to place fresh flowers or greenery from the yard throughout my home. Spring cleaning is a great way to purge and freshen up your home. Through the year, we acquire and accumulate so much, that it’s nice to realize space and make room.'

Much like in winter when we haul out the heavy blankets and switch every material in our homes to velvet, equally simple switches can be made in spring – from quick living room ideas like changing out cushions to giving a tired-looking kitchen a fresh lick of paint.

How can you update a house for spring?

There are plenty of simple ways to update your home for spring. The simplest, in our opinion, is to fill your home with those short-lived but beuatiful spring flowers – tulips, daffodils, hyacinths – they all add a splash of classic spring color and smell delicate and delicious. As designer Ruchi Mohan says 'Nothingsays spring like tulips, I love adding fresh seasonal florals in my designs to change the mood across seasons.' Agreed. And we have plenty more spring decorating ideas to get you inspired...

1. Bring the outside in and fill your home with spring florals

10 spring decor ideas to give your home a quick and easy seasonal makeover (1)

(Image credit: Mary Wadsworth)

Easiest way to make your home feel fresher and more spring-like? Fill your home with spring blooms. As florist Philippa Craddock says, 'Nothing can transform a room like the intrinsic optimism of a vase ofspringflowers. Everything about them signifies new possibilities and potential but in such a gentle, beautiful, and positive way.'

'The green shoots of narcissus, snowdrops and bluebells emerging after the long, dark days of winter through frosty soil, brings an instinctive and positive energy that I thrive on. Nothing breaks the spell of winter like stunning yellow daffodils or mimosa or the bright, fresh whites of lily of the valley, fragrant narcissus, blossom, and snowdrops. Each one brings energy and positivity, they cut through the fog of winter. Their fragrances are clean, uplifting, and inspiring and they make everyone smile.'

2. Switch out your curtains to something soft and sheer

10 spring decor ideas to give your home a quick and easy seasonal makeover (2)

(Image credit: James Merrell)

Throughout the winter months, heavy-lined curtains are a must for creating a cozy, warm environment, but as the days get longer and the temperatures begin to rise, you want to be maximizing the light. So switch out those thicker fabrics for lighter curtains and you'll instantly see the difference.

'Sheer curtains are my Springtime go-to.' says Pip Rich, Livingetc's Editor. 'A fabric like a voile that feels floaty and soft and lets the light in. The trick is to hang it all the way as high up as the ceiling, and have it long enough so that it pools slightly on the floor so it can billow out in the breeze.'

If privacy is going to be an issue, say in a bedroom, you can layer these lighter fabrics with a discreet roller blind or over the top of shutters.

3. Transform a room with lighter shades

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(Image credit: James Merrell)

Much like heavier fabrics, our winter palettes reflect that want to hunker down and curl up, so switch out those deeper hues for lighter ones. Cushions and bed linen are really easy switches to make that can totally change up the look of a room.

As our Deputy Editor Busola Evans suggests, 'Cushions are a quick fix when it comes to spring decor updates – swap any velvet of deep-piled fabrics and darker colors for creams and lighter shades that hint to the sunnier climes ahead.'

And something else to take from this lovely and light grey living room – the collection of jute bags hanging on the rail. If you have an area in your home, be it shelving or hooks, switch out what you display to something that feels more on season. Think about how you can add new textures and more spring-like shades to give the space a lift.

4. And introduce soft spring hues for an uplift

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(Image credit: Vivian Johnson)

Pastels and spring decor ideas are synonymous. But before your mind takes you to saccharine hues of baby pinks paired with baby blues and Easter bunny motifs – pastels can be done in a perfectly grown-up and stylish way. You just have to look for hues at the more muted, earthier end of the spectrum.

Just look at the lovely peachy coral hues used in this tablescape by Caitlin Jones Design and the contrast with the ground navy blue– clearly spring-like, but zero sugary hues in sight.

'I like to bring in seasonaldecorand florals that really make use of the varied plantsand flowers that aren't available during the winter months.' explains CaitlinJones Ghajar. 'Even if your home has a more neutral palette, you can bring in pops ofspringcolors – pink, citrus, lilac to help brighten up a space.'

5. Give your shelving and surfaces a spring refresh

10 spring decor ideas to give your home a quick and easy seasonal makeover (5)

(Image credit: Thomas Kuoh)

Shelving ideas, consoles, bedside tables, coffee tables, all of these surfaces are prime real estate for a spring overhaul. Curate displays that feel fresh and light, add flowers, and pick out new coffee table books that suit the season and its color palette. We'd say give it a weekend – take everything off your shelves, clear any surfaces and start from scratch adding new elements and displaying older items in new configurations.

And of course, add in smaller blooms in bud vases in amongst your displays for an extra spring-like feel. 'Ahhhspring! We love you and all your bounty, especially flowers of the season which can transform a space so effortlessly. All you need is a vase and some seasonal buds and you have an instant update.' suggests Heather K. Bernstein founder of HKB Interior Design.

6. Reorganize your kitchen

10 spring decor ideas to give your home a quick and easy seasonal makeover (6)

(Image credit: James Merrell)

A good spring clean can often change a space as much as new cushions or curtains, so put some time aside before you start redecorating to give each room a spruce. The kitchen is a great place to start as it's where you're likely to notice the most difference. Plus as well as organizing a kitchen you can make small switches to the decor too.

'Never underestimate the difference that reorganizing the items on the worktop can do.' explains Jen and Marr, founders of Interior Fox.' Stow away used chopping boards, tired-looking utensils, and too many cookbooks. Instead, purchase new wooden boards for display, place out a selected few cookery books and add in a vase of your favorite foliage. With multiple uses a utensil rack is another great addition to your kitchen, as well as a great way of displaying utensils it can also hold small pots for a mini herb garden.'

7. Throw down a new rug

10 spring decor ideas to give your home a quick and easy seasonal makeover (7)

(Image credit: British Standard by Plain English)

Kitchen rug ideas are a lovely way to update a kitchen for spring. They add a softness to this practical space as well as give an opportunity to add in a burst of color. Flatweave rugs in hardwearing fabrics like jute and sisal work best as they will hide scuffs and stains as well as bring some visual (and physical) warmth.

We love the rosy tones of this rug used inthe home of Lisa Mehydene, founder ofEdit58. They add a brightness to the muted pink of the walls, and make the overall space just feel cheery. Rugs are great for experimenting with color as unlike paint or a piece of furniture, they are so easy and relatively inexpensive to switch up, so you don't have to commit and can dip your toe into bolder hues.

8.Liven up a space with bright greens and yellows

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(Image credit: Matthew Williams)

Green and yellow are the colors of spring, but admittedly they aren't the easiest colors to bring into interiors being so intense and contrasting. But as this dining room proves, these bold shades can work if used in the right measures and toned down with a neutral, monochrome backdrop.

Accent chairs are perfect for adding pops of these bolder hues without overwhelming a space, and you might even be able to upcycle something you already have and paint it for a spring makeover – just check out our guide to how to paint furniture for a really easy step by step.

9.Layer up soft and subtle pattern

10 spring decor ideas to give your home a quick and easy seasonal makeover (9)

(Image credit: Anna Stathaki)

This blue and pale apricot bedroom color scheme is already giving us plenty of spring vibes, and that layering of soft pattern is perfect for this time of year. We all too often shy away from using multiple patterns in one space but it's easy to get right if you just stick to a few rules. The first being pick a hero pattern – a pattern that's going to tie all the colors you want to use throughout your space together. Now hero needn't mean bold, in this modern bedroom, it's the blue and mustard throw pillows that draw together the warm and cooler tones and allow for them to be mixed with other patterns throughout the room.

Be sure to play with scale too, mix both big large-scale prints with smaller busier designs. And finally, introduce some solid blocks of colors to balance out the pattern as can be seen here with the headboard and the ottoman.

10. Update a kitchen for warmer climes with a new coat of paint

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(Image credit: deVOL)

Painting kitchen cabinets is a surprisingly straightforward DIY job if you've got the time and patience, and while we wouldn't recommend changing up your cabinet color with every season, if your kitchen is looking a bit worse for wear, springtime is the perfect time for a fresh coat of paint.

Alternatively, tackle the smaller job of painting a kitchen island, or even paint just the architraves, kitchen doors, or window frames in a bolder hue for a new feel. 'Give a new lease of life to your kitchen island with a fresh lick of paint. Instead of taking on the large task of painting the whole kitchen, find smaller areas to inject a new seasonal color. Choose a warming color that complements the existing cabinets such as a dark navy or deep green.' suggests Al Bruce, Founder of Olive & Barr.

We love this deep yellow used in this kitchen by deVOL, the perfect hue for the warmer months, and despite being a brave shade it sits perfectly amongst the neutral hues.

10 spring decor ideas to give your home a quick and easy seasonal makeover (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.